Clipt Clipboard: A Secure Way to Transfer Info
OneLab has built a cross-platform clipboard tool named Clipt. OneLab is an innovation hub of OnePlus. Many people rely on cloud storage, email, and other methods to share info across other devices. Clipt makes this process a lot easier. Clipt Clipboard Clipt is an app to transfer information like files, images, or text between all of your devices. You can install the Clipt app for phones or tablets. If you have iPhone, then you can’t use it now. They are developing an app for iOS. You can use an extension for PC or Mac. You can instantly improve your productivity with this app. Clipt is more beneficial for those people who copy data back and forth from phone and computer. If you want to copy text from your phone, you need to paste it in Clipt first. Clipt makes it easy with a notification. The notification bar is always active on your smartphone. When you install the app, you will need to log in with a Google account. Make sure that you use the same Google account on all your dev...